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CSR Programming

When educational entertainment leader LeapFrog Enterprises wanted to get a jump on community outreach efforts, increase its portfolio, engage employees, and benefit kids and communities, Scena hopped in with a solution that made ripples across the Internet and throughout the United States.


We developed a brand-new initiative hosted on the We Give Books website to build on the already-popular We Give Books “read a book, give a book” premise. But this time there would be a twist: readers could select their very own school to receive books, making a difference right where they lived.


LeapFrog provided 150,000 books, while at Scena we called on our friends across education and put together a comprehensive plan to get the word out on social media, through e-newsletters, in print material, and in press releases.


Read for My School, presented by LeapFrog, went viral and turned out to be irresistible: more than 4,000 schools across the country participated, reading over 150,000 books online in just 10 days. Kids couldn’t wait to read, whole schools and towns got involved (including those of LeapFrog employees), and LeapFrog was clearly associated with an exciting opportunity.


To make the tale of giving spread even farther, we threw in a five-stop ReadMobile tour in key LeapFrog markets. Every stop of the tour offered engagement opportunities for LeapFrog employees, spreading the word about the company’s commitment to childhood literacy.

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